Time Electronics - Repair and Maintenance Calibration CalBench
Repair and maintenance CalBench packages are systems for service work in labs and workshops. They are also popular in educational environments where students need to learn the usage of various types of test equipment. The CBP-RM packages are configured based on commonly performed R&M applications, including electrical fault finding and component repairs.
The packages feature electrical and electronic test equipment as modules in the CalBench. These include digital multimeters, oscilloscopes, function generators and frequency counters. AC and DC power supply modules also feature in each package. For repair work they each have solder station modules, magnifying lamps, circuit board holders and antistatic matting kits.
CBP-RM1 CalBench Package
CalBench for R&M, diagnostics, fault finding
Oscilloscope and digital multimeter modules
Variable AC and DC power supply modules
Function generator with counter module
Solder & re-work module with accessories
PC under bench with mounted monitor
Extras included ESD mat, electronics tool kit
CBP-RM2 CalBench Package
Software controlled & manual operation
12.1” touch screen control centre PC module
Control centre scope & function generator
Control centre frequency counter module
Digital multimeter module
Fixed & variable AC and DC power supplies
Solder & re-work module with accessories
CBP-RM3 CalBench Package
CalBench for R&M, diagnostics, fault finding
Oscilloscope and digital multimeter modules
Variable AC and DC power supply modules
Function generator with counter module
Soldering station module with accessories
Magnifying lamp and circuit board holder
Antistatic workstation kit with matting